Thursday 30 October 2014

My meandering mind

If you were to treat each and every day as if it were your last, would that mean you were living each day as if you were about to die? Would you be able to generate that much enthusiasm every morning when you wake up. How do you get excited about every day  unless you know how it feels to nearly have not woken up at all, and wouldn't that have made you miserable at some point in your life?

It would surely be a repetitive way to live, for doesn't a little misery go a long way to adding some variety to an otherwise tedious life.

And who wants to be Pollyanna anyway, constantly finding joy in everything you see, a positive where others see a negative. A little joy mingled with misery can only enhance our ability to appreciate the good in life.  For if we are permanently happy - we can never convey our joy when we've known what it is to be utterly miserable.

I cannot bear people who are permanently happy.

I prefer to be miserable and happy in equal parts..on a rota basis.

So I can appreciate both all the more. To wallow in both emotions leads to an appreciation of the various mental states.

“unbroken happiness is a bore: it should have ups and downs.”
