Monday 5 May 2014

iPad oh iPad how I love thee

I have finally succumbed to the cry of the Apple. It has captured me in its technological recipe of cleverness. I swore I would never relent, never give in to the desire for anything "I." Well that doesn't include my little iPod , which is almost prehistoric in comparison to its later incarnations. So what do I think of the iPad Air so far then?

Falling love

I'm only a weekend in, but I'm succumbing slowly to its delights. There are hundreds of apps, many of which are free. Apps that give sound effects, doodle kits, book creators and games, hundreds of games. All easels and books are redundant.


Whatever's your poison the news stand will have it from New Statesman to Vogue, from History Today to The Guardian, all there, some with free trials before committing to subscriptions. It's a brave new world I want to explore, but know I'll still miss the smell of print.


Books, books and then more books with clear pages that offer easy reading with the ability to increase the font and size of the page. As with other digital book providers, most of the classics are free. All best sellers are available and all seem reasonably priced.


Yes, the word air is there for a reason and not purely to increase the word count. It's much lighter than its predecessors, although as this is my first one, it matters little.

And the rest...

The keyboard is easy to use, although I can't see my laptop becoming redundant any time soon. But I am slowly falling love with it. Will I reach the point where I cannot live without it. Yes, eventually. Will it replace books, and newspapers - no not just yet, but probably the end is nigh.

I know that androids are slowly catching up with the iPad, but seriously, it still has the lead over its competitors in terms of tablet ability.

So there we are, a whole new world in a metal rectangle of information, for me at least, the world of the tablet has finally reached me, pervaded my world and made me it's slave.