Monday 5 May 2014

The Sea

A man walks into the sea, he sees the sea and the skyline, he does not look behind, for behind him is the past and home and all that reminds him of why he is here. He has decided to do this because there no more answers and no more solutions to what it is that ails him. Throwing himself into the arms of the sea will make everything better.

The sea is hypnotic in its greyness, the sound of the waves lapping against the shore, the white foam of the captive waves ready to embrace all misery, all sadness, and finalise all things. To give yourself into the arms of the sea, to open up your mind and your heart to its power. To relent, to release yourself finally.

The sound of the waves is deafening as he moves closer, deeper into the roar of the waves and the coldness of the water that gradually consuming his misery.